facts about maui
1.he would prove that he is a better the them.
.2 not allowed to go fishing
3. maui is moari
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Monday, 27 November 2017
WALT- measure to the nearest decimal point.
Measure to the nearest decimal point.
Measure to the nearest decimal point.
Friday, 17 November 2017
The Appearance
The kakapo is a flightless, large parrot. It has green and dark brown feathers all over its body. This helps the Kakapo camouflage in the forest, protecting it from predators. They have grey feet and a grey beak. The kakapo is a nocturnal bird which means they sleep during the day, and they hunt at night. The kakapo is one of the heaviest parrots in the world. It weighs 2-4 kgs.
They are endangered and there are only 154 left in New Zealand. The kakapo is almost extinct. Its predators are cats, stoats, dogs and rats. The rats eat the Kakapo’s eggs. The kakapos were put onto an island with no predators. This keeps them safe and allows them to breed, so we can have more kakapo.
It is important to protect the Kakapo for future generations to see.
WALT- Organise our notes into groups.
This is shared writing.
By Isaac, Aleena, Jordan, Isope, Maile, Panera, Boaza, Keysha, Stacey
Friday, 10 November 2017
Birds in Room 9
We made bird masks that represent our favorite New Zealand Birds. Can you figure out who is the tui, starling, thrush, fantail, and who is the kea?
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
As I was doing my flute my flute was like the best one of all when I heard it I thought to myself I really think that I am really good as I kept on doing it something came down like a spit fire then it said’ hey stop that you hurt my ears STOP!!! Or else I will tear you Apart like an A oger wiat where is he NO! Next Time I will tere his flute really hard I must break it. Then he ran home and said wow! That was close he locked his to defend himself hey. I got A idea let's make A invention time Now let's show those ugly Hideous rat monster. It is reddy got some cardboard wings check other wing check Now three,two,one BLAST OFF yes it worked all from me wow be cerefull do not fall down NOOOO mada mada incoming down. I fall down like a tumbling rolling rubbish bin then he graved my face with his raising claws he said you do not want me to give this golden emerald CLAWS because I can hey there is Another one of you Fine I will kill this one little then kill that rascals two wings if I can lets go. Hey try Distract he said in a very low voice then she played a flute then she said OK sure and I am helping you when she got attacked from them he said we need to find them or I will get you instead of you,s or you do it and then I will cook you,s if you dare me to.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Friday, 22 September 2017
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Friday, 15 September 2017
Friday, 1 September 2017
Friday, 25 August 2017
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Plastic bag story
I saw it fly right across the shop and then it just flew again to the landfill then it flew and flipped it just flew and flew and flew! It went to the road and then the FOREST!!! Then the big beast was out, out of his cave he was out because of that annoying thing. But it was something magical and mysterious. It tickled the big beast and then he was FLYING in the air then he said in a big beast voice. "Why am i flying, wow I just shot a firing flaming ball" "I should name it the flaming ball’ . He did a flip and a loopy loop then he glided he was so impressed by it but then the magic stopped. He got rumbled down to the ground the beast was so mad he was going to smash it but when he smashed it then it said "thanks for the wind" it continued then it went to the sewers in it was icky and yucky then it was to the ocean there was a baby turtle there was another something was STUCK and the baby turtle went in it and Suffocating. Don't be a monster don't let stuff happen to Turtles because if you do you kill turtles and birds.
WALT- Use complex sentences
WALT- Use complex sentences
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Friday, 11 August 2017
Charlie and maria
WALT-skim and scan to find information
WALT- compare maria and charlies life
this week we are learning to skim and scan our writing so if it makes seance.
Thursday, 10 August 2017
Monday, 7 August 2017
We need to keep New Zealand clean because rubbish is making our environment dirty and N.Z has put 2.5 million tonnes of Rubbish into landfills. We need to recycle and put plastic bottles and boxes in the recycling bin. Birds may eat plastic, sometimes they think that it is food so it eats it. Now turtles are the same as the birds. 90% of birds have plastic inside them they go into the sea and turtles, sea birds and maybe seagulls I never seen one before eat plastic bags. We are trying to tell you that if you go to the shop we need to buy A plastic bag then go home and when you go to the same shop again you could use the same bag then you don't need to buy plastic bags but if you put your plastic bag in the rubbish bin it miat fall out go to the sea and birds and turtles are going to eat it. But if it doe,s not fall out it will go out in the GROUND!! In the DIRT yes that is bad then if you move out you miat live in the RUBBISH and you would not like that.
Imagine if ALL THE BIRDS DIED!!!!!!!! The end We will be doing recycle POSTER!!! some time birds die and turtles because of us as well they die Because plastic goe,s to the ocean Now so that we can help and make them healthy make your own bag but if you don't no how to do that go to the market buy A plastic bag then when you go to the market again you can use the same plastic bag again and some time the rubbish goes far far away and put a landfill.
Monday, 31 July 2017
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Monday, 3 July 2017
boat writing
Brief .
On Monday we did a Boat Challenge. We had to figure out what to do for our boat. We were allowed to use cardboard, tinfoil, scissors and sellotape.
When we did it first we made it on thursday when i was making a triangle boat me and boaza decided that we did want to make it so first we had cardboard underneath for the sale was tinfoil then after that day we tested the boat.
It was result day. But when it was our turn we crossed our finger so when miss spies called out our name. Miss Spies said to me who is your buddy then I said” boaza she said back to me is boaza here or not?” I said yes he is here with me then she said alright set the timer like of and on again OK i said to miss sure but I will let boaza have it boaza said thank you Jordan miss said to boaza ok now you can set the timer but it is my phone Now like of and on again boaza said sure no problem I put the boat in the water she put the 200 hundred grams on our boat then it sinked for 2 seconds.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Seven Sister
WAL-about matariki and the seven sister stars. Did you know matariki is a group of stars?
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Sons of Ma'afu writing and slide
they could both see blue clear freezing water, they saw yummy blueberry bush and they went to pick some.
When it was night the boy was very frustrated then ever he wanted to go hunting because there were no food for the village.that day at night he sneaked out of his room graved his spear then he sharpened it gone hunting he went out to the water when he was hunting he went to get some A giant big of water and it was for the village so that i did not get more in trouble then a big farist the biggest fish in our island me and him could caray it because they were the strongest men than ever that,s why they bean training that,s why they could both caray the big farist fish then he said this big water and the big fish will be enough for the village when it was day that was the time that they got there. After that the chief said you two are punished from this place, go to another place or or a island but it need,s far far far far far away from this island NOW with everything that is your,s and your father agreed with me so levae NOW!!!!!!!!!!. After that they found a place that was far far far far far away than they set all their stuff they build a house and all their other stuff too.
WALT- show not tell
Thursday, 1 June 2017
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
comic strip
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
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