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Thursday 22 June 2017

Seven Sister

WAL-about matariki and the seven sister stars. Did you know matariki is a group of stars?

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Sons of Ma'afu writing and slide

they could both see blue clear freezing water, they saw yummy blueberry bush and they went to pick some.

When it was night the boy was very frustrated then ever he wanted to go hunting because there were no food for the village.that day at night he sneaked out of his room graved his spear then he sharpened it gone hunting he went out to the water when he was hunting he went to get some A giant big of water and it was for the village so that i did not get more in trouble then a big farist the biggest fish in our island me and him could caray it because they were the strongest men than ever that,s why they bean training that,s why they could both caray the big farist fish then he said this big water and the big fish will be enough for the village when it was day that was the time that they got there. After that the chief said you two are punished from this place, go to another place or or a island but it need,s far far far far far away from this island NOW with everything that is your,s and your father agreed with me so levae NOW!!!!!!!!!!. After that they found a place that was far far far far far away than they set all their stuff they build a house and all their other stuff too.

WALT- show not tell

Thursday 1 June 2017